Tuesday, April 18th, 2006
Well, it’s been a month since updating last, so I’ll share
my new insights from the time of Spring Break till Passover and Easter.
Kosher food is AWESOME. I’m eating all of the leftover Matzo, and the
kosher turkey I had was the best turkey I’ve ever tasted. I’m sure they
don’t have any artificial sweeteners or other fake ingredients. It’s
blessed! Can’t get better than that.
I love flowers. No, I really, really, love them. I was looking at tons
of flowers online, not just to decide which ones I want for a bridal
bouquet or for wedding décor, but to see what families they all belong
to, because I’m a dork like that. And now, it’s SPRING!!! Everything is
blooming, catching my eye both for beauty and to indulge my curiosity
and identification skills. I may not be that good at naming all the
plants yet, but I’m getting there! In the meantime, I will put up Spring
pictures in the Pictures section.
I also wanted to put into words, finally, the philosophy of Trance
music. Commonly referred by people as “Techno.” It breaks my brain to
try and explain that not all, more accurately named Electronic music, is
the same, and why I love Trance so much. (I currently can’t get enough
of Armin van Buuren. Why is he not more popular??) This will be in the
Philosophy section. There’s also a HILARIOUS, yet very accurate and
education website that I found to distinguish the differences between
all the genres of Electronic music. Please visit it to clear up
confusion, and more importantly, to entertain.
Oh. And what would life as a Biology student be without those exciting
labs… IB 202 students, once again, sheep brain and cow eye dissection
pictures are
now here.
I may also put up the video of cutting open the cow eye, and pictures of
us playing around in the muck of Boneyard Creek, or what my roommates
and I prefer to call it, the La Bamba cesspool. We’ll see how all that
4 more weeks!
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