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Coconut Ginger Shrimp

This I concocted from two different Thai recipes: Steamed Clams with Fresh Ginger, and Thai Ginger Chicken Soup. Only I wanted shrimp that night. Here it is... I think it turned out pretty well.
Of course, modify any ingredient amounts to taste, as I just whip things together and then estimate later.

1. 5-6 uncooked or cooked shrimp

2. 1/3 cup coconut milk

3. ¼ cup water

4. 1 Tablespoon fish sauce

5. 2 Tablespoons lime juice, or squeeze 1 fresh lime

6. 1 clove garlic, minced

7. 1-inch section ginger, sliced or minced

8. ½ teaspoon sugar

9. Cilantro garnish, optional

10. Rice or noodles

In a large saucepan pour in the coconut milk and water. Bring to a boil and add the shrimp and other ingredients. Let simmer until the shrimp are cooked through. Serve over rice or noodles and enjoy.


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